I love my Remarkable 2! The simplicity of pen on paper mixed with the digital storage, copy and paste functions and email abilities is a game changer.
I also start to feel a little unwell when I’m working on my computer for too long. Some kind of screen fatigue or something. The Remarkable 2 and I’m sure other e-ink devices too, does not give me that feeling at all.
When I add the Productivity Pack to the endless notetaking and journey abilities the Remarkable 2 has, this simple device becomes life changing! I’m so much more productive and organised and so I’m less stressed, easily juggle my responsibilities and have time left for fun and family.
(We’ve now added the dot journal, two more todo list templates and two more meeting notes templates! 8 PDF templates now in total to the Productivity Bundle.)
[Edit: We’ve also now added the recipe book template and the invoice book template]
We’ve just finished putting together our 2024 Remarkable 2 Planner which comes with the 2023 Planner (free – incase you need something for the final few months of the year). You can get it on it’s own now up until the 1st December for half price or you can get it in the Productivity Bundle, which will also go up in December.
The planner is a 135 page PDF with a yearly, monthly and weekly view. Each with space for notes and goals. The Planner has navigation links throughout so you can easily jump from week to month and year at a glance and back again.

I know that some would like a daily page too. I prefer to only go down to just the weekly view, so as to force myself to only write down the most important things and not overwhelm myself. It’s also easier to move things around from one day to the next in the weekly view. I have heard it said that we often overestimate what we can do each day and underestimate what we can do in a week or a year.
I will be putting together a daily view planner real soon for those that would like that.
When I want to go into more detail with tasks, I switch over to my todo list. I use the Ultimate Todo List for the Remarkable 2. You can get the todo list template in the Productivity Pack or download it on it’s own.
It’s 66 pages and has 5 sections each with a todo list page that links to a seperate page for each todo item. I have a section for home/family, then a section each for the different jobs that I have. It really helps to keep me focused and on track to meeting my goals.
I also use a Meeting Notes Template too and with just those 3 PDF templates my life has been transformed for the better. The Meeting Notes Template is also in the Productivity Pack.

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