Black Template Pack for Remarkable 2




We’ve created 12 templates with a black background for your remarkable 2.
We think they look great when you use the ‘white’ marker. It’s kind of a workaround to get a ‘dark mode’ kind of setting for your remarkable 2.

Formatted perfectly for the remarkable 2, you can either download as a single PDF with links to each page, or as separate PNG files to either upload as normal or use a hack to upload them as actual remarkable 2 templates.

If uploading as normal from the app or and you want to use the ‘template’ again, simply use the side bar to select grid view, long press on the page you want and choose duplicate, then just erase any writing you may have done.

The 12 templates with the black background are :
Blank, Dots, Grid, Lines with a Margin, Lines, A checklist page, 3 Weekly Planners pages, A day view, A meeting notes page and a notes page.

Our Dot Journal Template 160 pages, perfectly suited for Bullet Journaling with links to index and quick page finder, is now able to be downloaded in ‘dark mode’. Download both templates for the one price and use one or both.