11 Fun Games You Can Play on Your Remarkable 2

11 Fun Games You Can Play on Your Remarkable 2

The Remarkable 2 is such a great device. Distraction free, paper like, great for deep thinking and a creative outlet. But it can also be fun to play some simple games on the remarkable 2 as well. We’ve put a little list together of 11 fun games you can play on your eink device.
And most you don’t need to buy or download anything.

1. Noughts and Crosses (Tic-Tac-Toe)

Any game you can play on paper, you can of course, play on your reMarkable2.
Noughts and crosses is a fun, simple game to play on the remarkable 2, especially for the kids.
You can easily make your own template to play this game. Just draw up the lines and then add a layer. On this new layer place your zeros and x’s. When the game is finished erase all, from the sidebar. The layer that you created the lines on will remain but the zeros and crosses will be gone.

We do have a fun PDF template of 9, 2 person games you can play, if you want to download that. It has a noughts and crosses template as one of the games.

2. Sudoku

The classic game of sudoku will give you hours of fun and brain training. There’s 9 smaller squares with 9 tiny squares in each, 9 columns and 9 rows. You need to put only once all the numbers 1-9 in each smaller square of 9, each column and each row. Simple but sometimes very very hard. You will have to download these of course. There’s 1000’s out there. We have some if you want here with navigation links and here, easy to very hard.

3. Connect 4

Like noughts and crosses just make up some grids and x’s and o’s instead of the colour circles you would play with the real connect 4. Just remember that gravity counts with this one. I used to play this at maths at school (instead of doing maths). I was great at it and undefeated until my now wife beat me back then – I think I was distracted.

4. Crosswords

I think this one goes without too much explanation. Of course you need to download some from somewhere. You can even take a picture of the newspaper with your phone and then upload that with your remarkable app on your phone. We have 20 easy ones here for free. We are planning on adding more, but they take along time to make up.

5. Hangman

Classic games of trying to work out the word before it’s too late. You can probably make a more kid friendly version of it with a bit of creativity.

6. Chess or Checkers

This is probably not a game you thought you could play on your paper like device, but we worked out a way.
You do have to do a little preparation by tracing the pieces, but once you have done that one time, you are always good to go.
You simply use the select tool, to select the piece you want to move and drag it to wherever you want (within the rules of chess, of course).

We have a template that we made, perfectly formatted for the remarkable 2 for you to play chess if you like.
Just download the template, trace each pieces once, then copy and paste. You only need to trace one pawn and then you paste it multiple times for example.
When the game is finished, use the undo function to quickly bring all the pieces back to their starting position. Zoom in when tracing to get more accuracy.

This picture, I literally emailed to myself from my remarkable 2 at the beginning of a game.

7. Dots and Boxes

You just need a dot template for this one. I find the official remarkable 2 dot template a little light, so you may want to find something else. This is one of our 2 player games if you are downloading that, but really all you need is a bunch of dots. A grid template would probably work too.

Btw, if you are looking for a good dot template for a bullet journal (bujo) we have made one that works perfect for that, with navigation links to the index and any page.

Dots and Boxes is a two player game. Here’s the instructions, it’s pretty easy once you get it.
Objective: To complete as many boxes as possible. Number of players: 2 or more
1.Players take turns drawing a line between two adjacent dots.
2.Whenever a player completes a box by connecting the four dots around it, they put their initial inside the box and get another turn.
3.The game continues until all the boxes have been completed.
4.The player with the most completed boxes at the end of the game wins.

8. Battleship

You would need two remarkables for this game. Or at least another person with the printed game layout. You play it just like the boardgame. Feel free to download this image and use that. Full credit to Madison’s Paper Templates for this image.

9. Wordoku

Just like Sudoku but with letters. Usually those letters make up a word, but not always. The trick is that they have to be 9 separate letters making up the word. No double up of letters or it wrecks that game. It took us quite a while to come up with 84 words for our wordoku puzzle book.

wordoku cover for remarkable 2

10. Pictionary

Just like the game you would play on paper or a whiteboard. Don’t forget you can project your remarkable 2 to a computer, using the app and screenshare, so you could even put it on a big screen (connected to your pc) and play pictionary with your friends and family. I talk about the remarkable 2’s ability to screen share here.

11. Paper Soccer

A two player game where you try and score a goal by taking turns to draw lines while avoiding obstacles and barriers.
Here’s the instructions from our two player game book.
1.Players take turns moving the ball along the field by drawing lines (from dot to dot) to represent the path of the ball.
2.The ball can only move forward and cannot be moved back (another words, it cannot go over an existing line).
3.The ball can ‘bounce’ off another end point of a line or side line.
4.The first player to score a goal by getting the ball into the opposing goal wins the game.

Have fun playing some of these games on your remarkable 2.
Would love to hear some fun and interesting ways you have used your device to play games.


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